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Our team is here to demonstrate how our product can unlock growth potential for your company. 

We can also help schedule personal demos, answer technical questions, and provide support.
101 N Main St #302, Greenville SC, 29609

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is Go Fig?

Go Fig is an innovative AI-powered data warehousing and business intelligent solution that enables busy leaders of rapidly growing companies to have instant access to their data. 

How is Go Fig different from Tableau, PowerBI and Looker?

Our software leverages AI and natural language to empower everyone in an organization with the power of analytics. 

What other services do you offer?

We also offer data consulting services to quickly and effortlessly get companies up and running and provide ongoing maintenance and support without skipping a beat on their day-to-day operations. 

Each of our data consultants have over 10 years of professional data experience at Fortune 500 companies and fast-growing startups, and our team is excited to bring a World Class data experience to you!

How might an AI-powered business intelligence solution help my company?

You get accurate information to make profit-optimizing decisions in real-time, so you can avoid common growing pains like stalled sales growth and waste in marketing and inventory.

Unlike other BI solutions that provide the same old dashboards, Go Fig builds an all-knowing assistant who can tell you the facts about sales performance, whether the team is consistently hitting their goals, what's the real return on Marketing campaigns, the actual state of your product shrinkage, what percent of customers are upset at you, and whether or not your employees are still engaged. 

Not only does our solution provide you with accurate and trustworthy answers to each of these specific questions, but it does so instantly and in simple, concise terms!

What is your pricing?

Our pricing includes a one-time setup fee and a recurring subscription. All pricing is customized to meet the specific requirements for each customer.

Schedule a personalized demo to learn more.

We also offer personalized 1:1 data consulting services from our experienced data professionals to provide ongoing maintenance and support at $125/hour.

How do you protect sensitive and privileged data?

We practice the highest level of cybersecurity standards to ensure our systems are impenetrable. In addition, all sensitive and privileged data is stored in Google's and Microsoft's state-of-the-art cloud platforms.

If your company needs additional security measures like full in house processing, please contact our sales team for an enterprise deployment in your cloud.
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